
How to Start Building a Base of Push Subscriptions

Technical part

  1. Go to the “Feeds” tab ( and click “Add”.
  2. Fill in all the required fields and click “Save”.
  3. An additional section with an sw.js file will be available on the right, click “Download”.
  4. Add the downloaded sw.js file to the root directory of your website.
  5. Copy the script below and add it to the end of your page before the closing </body> tag.

Congratulations! You have earned the “Programmer” achievement.

Creative part

  1. Go to the “Creatives” tab ( and click “Create”.
  2. Fill in all the required fields.
  3. Upload your image and icon.
  4. Replace the URLs on your push buttons if necessary.
  5. Click “Save”.

Congratulations! You’ve earned the “Web Designer” achievement.

Creating a Campaign

  1. Go to the “Campaigns” tab (
  2. Configure detailed targeting.
  3. Set the schedule and intervals for sending notifications.
  4. Specify how long after the subscription the sending will start and click “Save”.
  5. Launch your campaign by clicking “Start”.

Congratulations! You’ve earned a major “Pushtorm Partner” achievement :)


  1. Name — is any name for easy navigation through the created Feeds.
  2. Postback URL — is the URL is used to send information about conversions to tracking solutions.
  3. Use global postback URL — means to use the general postback that you specified in settings.
  4. Description — is your comments.
  5. Request on page load — is a feature that automatically shows a push subscription request right after page loads.
  6. Redirect URL when clicking “Allow” — is the address to which the user will be redirected to when subscribing.
  7. Redirect URL (one or several) when clicking “Block” — (aka Push subscription carousel) is the address to which the user will be forwarded to when clicking “Block”. If you specify several addresses (each one is specified with a new line), then when clicking “Block”, the user will be redirected by all the specified URLs, until the list is over.
  8. URL redirect with parameters — is a feature that helps transfer specified parameters when redirecting.
  9. Show reCAPTCHA when clicking “Block” — is an option that will show the users a fake captcha, by clicking which they will be redirected to the specified addresses in the list of Redirect URL (one or several) when clicking “Block”.

Feed analytics: 3 visual formats of analytics display are available: charts, graphs, and tables.


  1. Name — is any name for easy navigation through the created Creatives.
  2. Title — is the title displayed in a push notification.
  3. Text — is a short description of your offer to the user.
  4. URL — is the address which the user will be redirected to.
  5. Icon — is an image that will be used as an icon in your notification.
  6. Picture — is an image that will take most part of your notification.
  7. Time to live (TTL) — is the specified number of days after which the push notification will be removed from the queue server, so the user won’t see it.
  8. Button 1 — is an additional button on your notification.
  9. Button 2 — is an additional button on your notification.
  10. URL redirect on buttons is an option that allows setting a URL redirect to a button that is different from the main URL.
  11. Use main redirect URL — is a feature that helps redirect users by the main URL specified earlier when they click on the additional buttons.
  12. Tags — help search creatives quickly.

Domain substitution — is a tool that automatically searches for the domain of all the creatives and replaces it with the new address that you specified.


  1. Name — is any name for easy navigation through the created campaigns.
  2. Feeds — are the feeds you choose to launch a campaign.
  3. Creatives — are the creatives that will be used for sending notifications.
  4. Subscription age — can be used for targeting by subscription novelty.
  5. Working Hours (UTC) — is a flexible time setting option for sending notifications. Pay attention to the time zone involved, i.e. UTC.
  6. Post-subscription time — delay before sending the first notification.
  7. Send every {x} — is a flexible configuration of the interval of sending notifications to users based on the specific time that passed after subscription.
  8. Minutes to start sending notifications after — means that after the time set in this option, the users will start getting notifications at the intervals you set.
  9. IDs of subscriptions not to send notifications to — is a block list of user IDs which won't get notifications.

Targeting options: Browsers, OS, OS versions, Languages, Countries, subscription age.


Track conversions — is an option that activates additional conversion metrics.


General postback URL — means that postback will be used in all feeds where you have enabled the “Use general postback URL” option.
General subscription ID block list is a list of subscribers to whom notifications will not be sent.
Change password — is a standard procedure of changing the password.


{feedId} — ID of the feed from which the user subscribed.
{campaignId} — ID of the campaign the user came from.
{creativeId} — ID of the creative shown.
{subscriptionId} — ID of the subscriber.
{subscriptionAge} — the number of days that have passed since the user subscribed.
{creativeButton} — the button (number) on the notification that the user clicked.
{notificationKey} — the notification tracking key (ID).

Event postback via Binom

Subscription notifications via Binom Event.
If you collect subscriptions in campaigns not created solely to collect subscriptions, information transfer through a subscription will worsen the perception of conversions in that campaign. In that case, it's better to use a Binom event.

To do that, create a Binom event for push subscriptions. Modify our push request script. During the script initialization, add the Callback function which will pass an event saying that push subscription was successful.

This is how it will look like:

onSuccessCallback: function(s){var o = document.createElement("img");
params: {}